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Fisetin Levels in Fruits and Vegetables?

Posted by ken  
Fisetin Levels in Fruits and Vegetables?
October 05, 2018 11:23AM

Recently read post "Natural product found to reduce the level of damaged cells in the body, caused by aging" []

linked to article "Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan" []

Was very interested in the results "Fisetin treatment extended the health and lifespan in WT mice even when treatment was initiated in aged animals. This flavonoid is a natural compound present in many fruits and vegetables such as apples, persimmon, grapes, onions, cucumbers and strawberries [43,44], suggesting that it is imminently translatable. Importantly, no adverse effects offisetin have been reported, even when given at high doses [45]....Fisetin, a high Trolox-equivalent antioxidant, is present in low concentrations in many fruits and vegetables such as apples, persimmon, grapes, onions, and cucumbers and at higher concentrations in strawberries [43,44]. The average dietary intake of naturally occurring fisetin in Japan is approximately 0.4 mg/day [78,79], apparently without any adverse effects."

Was able to locate ref 43 Fisetin: A Dietary Antioxidant for Health Promotion [] which listed Fisetin levels for 9 fruits and vegetables and referenced this to Kimira M, Arai Y, Shimoi K, and Watanabe S. Japanese intake of flavonoids and isoflavonoids from foods. J Epidemiol
8: 168–175, 1998 []

Have been searching for a newer larger Fisetin reference for fruits and vegetables but to date have not found any.

Before posting did a Forum search to check if anyone has already posted a similar question but only got "Phorum Database Error Sorry, a Phorum database error occurred. Please try again later!" Did with same result so decided to post.


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