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Alzheimer's and Diabetes

Posted by gord  
Alzheimer's and Diabetes
November 12, 2015 01:16PM
Just completed the nutrition lesson and was pleased to realize how much I knew and grin at how much I don't know. One challenge facing myself, and sure others, is when Alzheimer's is associated with other health problems such as diabetes. I am very insulin resistive requiring 240 units of long-acting and between 200 and 250 units of short-acting daily. To stay within these values I have to restrict simple carbs (one strawberry, three blueberry at a meal) and complex carbs to say 1 piece of dry whole wheat bread. The dietary management between the diabetes and alzheimer's present with conflicts - all of which are meant for a healthier life. Are there studies/websites/information which deal with synergy of these two heath issues?

Gordsmiling smiley
Re: Alzheimer's and Diabetes
August 01, 2016 04:03PM
Hello Gordo,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We hope that you find the information on helpful. On our "Resources" page (link below) there is a link to [], which gives an overview of some of the best go-to sources for science-based recommendations. There is also a link to [] which provides actionable and easy-to-use advice. Regarding balancing dietary management for diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, please discuss with your treating physician and/or a registered dietitian.

Resources page: []

- The AlzU Team

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2016 07:56PM by administrator .
Alzheimer's and Diabetes
September 06, 2016 01:47PM
Hi Gord,

Thanks so much for posting your questions about Alzheimer's and diabetes. My mom was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and she also has diabetes. When it comes to diet, it can be quite confusing to try to juggle a healthy brain diet, while ensuring she is staying on her diabetic diet. I look forward to learning more from the links suggested by the AlzU Team. I am also planning to accompany her to her next doctor's visit to see if I can talk to the nutritionist.
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