Jul 2014

Types of Care Available for Your Loved One with Alzheimer’s

If you are feeling overwhelmed as an Alzheimer’s caregiver, you’ll be pleased to learn that there are plenty of different types and levels of care available to help with Alzheimer’s…

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Planning Daily Activities for Those with Alzheimer’s Disease

Caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may realize just what a challenge it can be to plan enough structure during the daily routine in order to keep their loved ones busy, stimulated…

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What you Should Know About Family Caregivers' Change in Roles

One of the most difficult aspects of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may be the fact that roles between parents and their children who become caregivers will change dramatically as the disease progresses.…

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Can You Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer’s, and Dementia Through Diet? June 24 in NYC

Join us for a FREE event this Tuesday June 24 at 7 PM at the JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave at 76th St, NY, NY 10023. To register, or for more info, call 646-505-5708. Worried about memory loss?…

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The Impact of Alzheimer's Caregiving on the Family

If you are an Alzheimer’s family caregiver, you probably already know that the disease has dramatically affected each member of the family, but those with newly diagnosed loved ones with Alzheimer’s…

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Financial Planning After a Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

Financial planning is an important consideration for caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Planning in advance early in the disease process can help prepare families of those with AD…

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Tips on Modifying your Home for Those with Alzheimer’s Disease

Whether you are moving your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease (Ad) in with you and your family, or he/she is staying at home with extended home care services, you will need to know some important…

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What Caregivers Need to Know About Health Care Directives

Many caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease wonder about when to consider upcoming legal matters such as advanced directives. Advanced directives are legal documents that allow an individual…

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Finding the Right Adult Day Center for your Loved One with Alzheimer's disease

Adult day centers are community settings can provide respite care for primary caregivers and family members of those with Alzheimer’s disease. Today there are over 4,600 adult day centers in the…

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When it’s Time to Make Legal Decisions for Those with AD

As a caregiver there will be many important decision making periods for your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease. One such interlude will be when it’s time to start making the legal, healthcare,…

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Tips for Encouraging Appetite in those with Alzheimer’s Disease

One common challenge as an Alzheimer’s caregiver is getting your loved one to eat nutritious meals on a regular basis. Many times mealtime can become a struggle for those with AD who are no longer…

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Making the Decision to Move Your Loved One with Alzheimer’s Into Your Home

Making a decision to move your loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) into your home is one of the biggest decisions you will make as a caregiver. There are several important considerations you…

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