Jul 2016

Tips for Caregivers for Surviving Winter Part I

If you are a family caregiver, you probably know that each season brings with it its own set of challenges. Here are some suggestions from other caregivers about surviving winter. Dry skin is a common…

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Meditation and Mindfulness Practice for Alzheimer’s Caregivers

If you have a close friend or family member with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), you may understand that there are never enough articles about self-care for caregivers. Common pitfalls for many AD caregivers…

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Importance of Developing a Care Plan for Caregiving Part II

When creating a plan of care for your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) don’t forget to include your loved one in the planning process-not only for current care needs but particularly…

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Importance of Developing a Care Plan for Caregiving Part I

As your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease ages, his/her caregiving needs also evolve-sometimes at a steady pace and other times unexpected changes happen rapidly. The key to coping with it all…

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Guide for New Caregivers

If you have a friend or family member newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), you probably have a lot of questions regarding the dos and don’ts of caregiving. There hasn’t been…

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Ensure Proper Dental Insurance Coverage for Seniors

If you are a caregiver of a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), you may already know that seniors are more prone to many different illnesses than younger folks, including dental problems. In…

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New Study Indicates Technology Helps Seniors with Depression

It’s estimated that nearly 10 million senior citizens suffer from depression which is often times preceded by isolation and loneliness. A new research project at Michigan State University (published…

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Tips on Resolving Family Conflict Related to Alzheimer’s Disease

Coping with the challenges of a family member with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has been named as one of the most common stressors leading to family conflict. Dealing with AD in the family has emotional…

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