Jul 2016

Improving Communication in the Family-for Alzheimer's Caregivers Part I

If you are a caregiver or a family member of a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), you may already know that sometimes communication with your loved one as well as with other family members…

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Independence is Important for Seniors in the Early Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

Aging is big news these days as the huge number of baby boomers enter their senior years. But if you take a close look at the news surrounding older adults, many times it’s negative. Topics such…

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Alzheimer's Disease LIsted in the Top 5 Health Concerns for Seniors in The U.S. Part II

As adults are living longer and longer in the U.S. today, there are some common concerns regarding chronic diseases, below is the list of the top 10, according to The Institute on Aging in Bethesda Maryland,…

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Alzheimer's Disease LIsted in the Top 5 Health Concerns for Seniors in The U.S. Part I

Seniors in the United States are living longer than ever before in history. Along with aging comes the worry and concern over getting ill, and perhaps equally concerning for seniors is managing health…

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New Hope for Medications to Treat Alzheimer's Disease

There is new hope for medical treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. New drugs to treat Alzheimer’s dementia could be available by 2025, according to renowned dementia expert, Professor John Hardy…

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Cancer Drugs Could Help Treat Alzheimer's Disease

Can the use of cancer drugs really provide Alzheimer’s help? New medical research says yes. According to new studies published in the Journal of Science Advances (performed by an international team of…

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Study on Sense of Purpose-Part II Helping Your Loved One with Alzheimer’s Stay Engaged

Maintaining a sense of purpose in life involves being active in the family and/or community. Although staying active in the later years may be a bit of a challenge for some seniors, the benefits of staying…

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How to be A Well Balanced Caregiver

Many people with first-hand experience have called caregiving a true labor of love. Much like other types of love you have for your children or the love for your husband or wife, caregiving comes with…

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