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All siblings have AD

Posted by brenda  
All siblings have AD
December 19, 2016 06:22PM
My father and his siblings have developed AD. His older sister died from it in 2012, he has recently been admitted into a nursing home for his advanced stages of AD, and his younger sister is demonstrating the same symptoms of paranoia and memory issues from AD. Isn't it rare that all siblings would develop this disease?
Re: All siblings have AD
January 10, 2017 11:59AM
Did you ever get an answer? I'm not real religious, but this whole ALZ thing scares the hell out of me! I'll pray for ya!
Re: All siblings have AD
January 29, 2017 02:04AM
I was out here several years ago, my mother had Alzheimer's and has since passed away. On Christmas eve last year my sister that had been diagnosed with Dementia passed away, she was 78 at the time.
What I want to share is I cared for my mother five months before she passed away. About a month before she passed away she went into what is called "The rage stage" it was horrific. The doctor was going to start her on morphine and had already given her one shot, there was no immediate affect. Someone out here brought up the drug, Haldol. I purchased some and within two days she was just fine.
I hope this might help someone.
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