Everything worked great on my computer at work (PC, with Firefox, im not sure which version) but when I tried it tonight with Internet Explorer, everytime I logged in and then tried to start a lesson, it took me right back to the log-on page. When I entered in my email address and password again, the same thing happened. Any suggestions?by mike - Welcome!
Hi, thank you for creating this site ive learned a lot. Im done with the first four lessons and finsihed the first ten activities - when will the next lesson be available? I like the idea of a video of a doctor talking about AD prevention and treatment but I also like the current lesson format, so im not sure they should be changed. -MMcby mike - Welcome!
Alzheimer's Universe has been created by medical experts to help learn the latest about AD diagnosis, treatment & prevention
Learn about the latest tips used to help reduce AD risk, delay onset of symptoms, and how to manage AD using a comprehensive approach
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